A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2284

Chapter 2284


Mark, sensing her potential distress, gently comforted her, “The kids have been headstrong. I apologize, Cecilia.”

Cecilia leaned into his embrace, reflecting for a moment before speaking.

“I was headstrong in my youth too. If I hadn’t been, our paths might never have crossed. If I condemn them now, I’d be denying my own past. It wouldn’t be fair to Edwin and Laura.”

Their love, genuine and profound, mirrored that of Edwin and Laura’s.

Realizing it was their son who had pursued Laura first, Cecilia saw no reason to hold the poor girl accountable for it.

Mark encircled Cecilia in his arms, creating a serene bubble amidst the city’s vibrant fireworks display.

In their quiet world, Mark held his wife close, a comforting presence as she leaned on his shoulder.

After a prolonged silence, Cecilia’s soft voice broke through.

Angela’s Library

“Mark, you don’t need to do this. I’m stronger than you think!”

She smiled faintly.

“Those events are long past. There’s no sense in letting old grudges interfere with their happiness… I’ve grown wiser over the years.”

Mark cherished her innocence, despite the years that separated them.

He was grateful for the lifetime she had spent with him, knowing his time to give her was finite.

As they sat together, Mark pondered the future, relieved that their well-raised son, Edwin, would be there to look after Cecilia in the future.

Their conversation ceased, each year’s end marking one less year together, making their time all the more precious.

Olivia, bubbling with energy, interrupted their tranquility.

“Dad, can we set off more fireworks?” she asked, her eyes wide and hopeful.

Mark gently stroked Olivia’s head.

“Ask the butler to help you,” he suggested.

Olivia pouted.

“He’s scared and cold, already hiding under the blankets!”

Mark, adoring his child, donned his coat and beckoned Cecilia.

“Let’s go down and watch.”

Cecilia hesitated, but Mark led her downstairs regardless.

